Hejaz Railway

Geography of the entire Railway |
The railway line originally began in Damascus-Kadem, but was
extended in 1911 for another 5 kilometers to a terminal station in
the city center of Damascus. The line leads from the present capitol
of the Arab state Syria in a southerly direction to Transjordan,
which connects to the plain of Damascus. .....


History |
to be completed «


Construction of Hejaz Railway |
"It is a curious coincidence that during the reign of Sultan
Abdul Hamid II, the two ancient famous world trading roads, on the
one hand from Cane Emporium, the other from the Persian Gulf
conducted through Arabia to the Mediterranean Sea and Byzantium,
torne off oblivion after almost 2000 years top be brought back to
life; the Nabatean trade route of the Sabians and by the
construction of the Hejaz railway and the Palmyrene trade route by
the the Baghdad Railway. "


Railway Operation |
At every railroad various activities are evolved from the construction
into the normal operation:
The management of real estate and personnel, maintenance of the railway
line and buildings as well as mantenance of the rolling stock. In
addition to the Hejaz railway, due to the political situation, the
management of the military railway operations were established.

Particulars |
be completed
